Saturday, June 8, 2013


Every now and then we get glimpses. 
Glimpses of God's care. Of his realness. 
We live on a daily basis with glimpses of His plan. 
But we often miss the points where He shows His genuine love for us. 
But there are things… 
Sometimes tiny things that speak of His affection. 
Sometimes gigantic things that proclaim His endearment. 
Sometimes it's a caught moment. 
A sunrise. A sunset. A thunderstorm. A laugh. A smile. 
Sometimes it's a feeling. 
Pure joy. Unity. Complete contentment. Peace. 
Sometimes it's a change.
A new job. Instant friendship. Moving across country. Moving across town. Friends becoming soul mates.
We see these things every day. 
We experience them. We live them. 
Yet. We don't see them. 
We don't look at them and feel the weight of them. 
They are hints. They are whispers. 
They are even sometimes billboards blaring. Begging for our attention. 
We walk through life with our heads down. 
Sulking in lost dreams or unfulfilled plans. 
We walk with our heads down. 
Noticing the trash on the street instead of the glory in the skies. 
We don't have time to lift our eyes. 
We can't steady our shaking knees.  
Yet we keep walking. 
Hoping that we will make it on our own.
But that isn't His plan. 
That was never His plan. 
His glimpses are here. 
Find them.
Let them remind you of who's fighting for you.
He is. 
He will always be.

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