Monday, March 30, 2009

The Call of Boldness.

I'm not naturally the bold time. I would rather keep my mouth shut. Keep others happy. But He never allows that. I hate seeing others in discomfort. I do everything to make sure I'm not a burden. But He doesn't want that. Not at all.

We are called to be bold. We are called to have power. Not be timid. I've been too good at that last one for too long. Luckily, our God is strong enough to cover our weaknesses. Luckily, our God is bold. Luckily, our God has a plan. He won't settle for second hand thoughts and second rate lies. He will push and push and push until He gets through. And He will get though. He always does. We may try to cheat Him. We may try to deceive Him. He knows. He feels it. He hates it. But He still loves us. Why we may never know.

A thousand times I've spit in His face. He remains. He will continue to remain. But now He is calling me. He has a mission for me. I need to take it. He is there ahead of me, clearing my path. Preparing hearts. I just need to step out and go. I can no longer hide. I can no longer allow myself to be ashamed. He is calling me to be more than I've ever dream. And I can't back down from His call. I am a saint. He will guard me. He won't leave me to be disgraced. Even though I spit in His face far too many times. He is my shield. My Rock.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Breathing. But dead. Eyes open. But asleep. Running. But getting no where. All the vital signs point to life. But there is more to life than breathing. Sometimes life requires death. Too often I forget that. Too often I think that I'm worth more by the deeds I do. Why is it so easy to forget God's perfect grace? Why do I question His ways?

Foolishness can be blinding. Lies can be luring to a sinful flesh. Death is what is asked. Christ was put to death for me. He died for me while I was still sinful. He requires nothing but love in return. And sometimes love means death. Sometimes love means pain. Sometimes love means sacrifice. I was called to put to death my old self when I chose to put on Christ's love.

Why do I insist on trying to restore life to my old flesh? It has nothing for me. It has nothing worth saving. Christ restored a full and new life to me when I said yes to him. With that full and new life comes promises and plans I'm too simple minded to really comprehend. My old self wants nothing to do with the righteousness to which I'm called. I'm supposed to live apart from this world. I'm supposed to shine like a lighthouse. Shine like a star. Lead the lost home to new life in God. And that might mean pain. And sacrifice. I'm being called daily to live a life of dying to my wants and desires.

But through it all, Christ delights in me. He loves me with a passionate love. An undeserved love. The God of the Universe is reminding me daily of His deep love for me.

His sunrises. His snowflakes. His late night thunderstorms. His sunsets. His stars.

They are all His. And He gives them freely to win my heart. He gives them freely to bring me joy. To overwhelm me with love. He reminds me to do the same to those around me. Find the lost and bring them home. Show them the love that Christ has given me. I'm called to live in His death. And to restore life to others as I do. God gives sunrises, can't I give smiles? He gives thunderstorms, can't I give my time? He gives stars, can't I give sympathy? It's actually simple. Just pass on the freedom of life that has been freely given to me. I'm not expected to do more than possible. Just give. Share what's being continually given to me. Step out in faith with boldness. That's it. That's all. Live my life as a reflection of God.