Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Waiting... Is good. Wait. What? Yep. It's good. The best thing for us. It grows us. Matures us. You make me wait out of love, not punishment. The saying goes that everything good is worth waiting for. Maybe there is some truth to that.

I continually long after worthless things. I need to be longing after You alone... The rest will follow in it's own time. Whether or not we like the timing is a different story. You decide. You plan. You cause to happen. I must obey. Where You send me, I must go. What you give me, I must joyfully accept. Even if I don't understand why. I'm not called to understand all of Your ways. I'm called to follow Your commands. Not make my own.

The funny thing is... I know You have a perfect plan. I know it. My life has enough proof to convince any jury. You have my life mapped out like a skilled sailor. No turn or wave has gone unnoticed. Each perfectly planned for and each one perfectly guarded by You. The waves may get rough and the turns may get sharp... But You are there. You navigate me through and all I can do is wait. And hopefully wait in patience. Although with me, there's no guarantee of that.

I'm the classic case of here and now. Fast food. Instant results. But I've got a feeling You are about to break that trend. Right now I need to either learn to be patient or go crazy. I've taken the crazy road far too many times and gotten no where. I need to try the patience thing. It will be good for me. Maybe painful, but good. Growth can come from pain if I choose to trust You with it. Because like childhood growing pains, I need a little pain while I'm growing. And I know that growing comes from waiting. So I'll wait. And I'll try to do it quietly.

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