Monday, March 30, 2009

The Call of Boldness.

I'm not naturally the bold time. I would rather keep my mouth shut. Keep others happy. But He never allows that. I hate seeing others in discomfort. I do everything to make sure I'm not a burden. But He doesn't want that. Not at all.

We are called to be bold. We are called to have power. Not be timid. I've been too good at that last one for too long. Luckily, our God is strong enough to cover our weaknesses. Luckily, our God is bold. Luckily, our God has a plan. He won't settle for second hand thoughts and second rate lies. He will push and push and push until He gets through. And He will get though. He always does. We may try to cheat Him. We may try to deceive Him. He knows. He feels it. He hates it. But He still loves us. Why we may never know.

A thousand times I've spit in His face. He remains. He will continue to remain. But now He is calling me. He has a mission for me. I need to take it. He is there ahead of me, clearing my path. Preparing hearts. I just need to step out and go. I can no longer hide. I can no longer allow myself to be ashamed. He is calling me to be more than I've ever dream. And I can't back down from His call. I am a saint. He will guard me. He won't leave me to be disgraced. Even though I spit in His face far too many times. He is my shield. My Rock.

1 comment:

  1. Kendall!! I'm so pleased I'm following your blog now...
    This post is such a blessing... and this is only the first one I've read!!
    You're wonderful and I like you a lot =)
